sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2016

Letter from Leandro

Caros Learners,

Estamos celebrando o aniversário da nossa escola hoje com dois eventos bem especiais. 

O primeiro é o recomeço das nossas aulas no Céu Heliópolis, retomando o projeto voluntariado "Ciranda do Inglês". Esse projeto vida levar as nossas aulas para comunidades carentes e alcançar as pessoas que não podem pagar por um curso. 

O segundo evento é a publicação de uma mensagem/carta de um aluno muito querido por nós: Leandro Andrade. Leandro estudou conosco entre 2010 e 2012. Recentemente, recebi essa mensagem dele e pedi sua autorização para publicar e compartilhar com vocês. 

Vou publicar a mensagem que trocamos na íntegra para vocês: 

-  Hi Frank, 

How have you been doing? I hope all is ok.

I don’t know if you know but I was fired from my last job last November, but thanks God I was employed last month by a Germany Company and nowadays I am in charge of a Solar Energy department as Project Coordinator (tks God).

The days are going by too fast, but I will never forget you and all teachers who helped me to get where I am. 

Today morning “like an early bird” (after lots of e-mails sent), I wrote an e-mail to a company from Texas with as follow;

"Dear Aaron, good morning.

I would be grateful if you could send me your quotation for these items by today afternoon. Please let me know if you need any further information."

30 minutes later, he replied me;

"Dear Leandro, I have the Quote ready, I am waiting on FedEx to get me a freight quote. I apologize for the Delay. I am at their mercy"

When I read “I am at their mercy”, I thought what does it means (wtf rsrs)??? I have never listened/read/seen and so on….. this before …… I immediately start googling it (“googling” is it possible?). 

What I want to say is, you and “A Frank Experience” taught me how to be a learner and minutes later I got what he was trying to say. 

So, I am deeply grateful for everything I have learned on your English classes. I miss you my friend.

May God be blessing you for many years ahead and giving you the wisdom to continue on teaching and teaching.

Leandro Andrade

- Hi Leandro,

First of all...thanks God, you are back to work and I am sure your future looks bright ahead. 

Secondly, teaching people how to communicate their ideas and how to be understood - this is my personal goal and this is the target of my school. I get really glad to hear this very thing from you. 

Finally, your feedback is the fuel I need to keep working hard to empower people to have their voices respected in English. 

Thank YOU very much indeed

-  Please let me know if there is something wrong with my writing.

- Two corrections only:
1. Change " Today morning" for " this morning";
2. "What does that means" for "What does that mean ( no S)" 
All the rest is a great piece of text. Congratulations!

- Thanks Frank. God bless you!

- Thank YOU, Leandro. God bless all of us.

Professor Frank Oliveira.

Acesse o link para a nossa Newsletter de aniversário: Click aqui

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