quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012

English Language Appropriation

Count down or Count Up?

Let’s go back, back to the beginning. Back to when I thought I had experienced a rush of becoming a language teacher when I asked for the opportunity to join this TKT preparation course. I assumed that I was not a qualified English speaker because I still had troubles using English at the time. It was also my interest to become a better English language user so as to avoid making mistakes but after all the course struggle, I’ve learned the best lesson of them all; it is true that by every mistake we must surely be learning and it is not trying to avoid mistakes the best way to discover their correction because it is also true that after being faulted using a second language is when we find our way around using it appropriately. After having concluding this course, I can say that it is important to do just what I do as a necessary thing to do and not what other trends consider it the necessary thing to do.

Of course there are a wide variety of options to continue my professional development. Yesterday I received an e-mail with a public notification about an opportunity to receive a Bachelor’s degree in English language teaching and I believe this is a great opportunity to continue my professional development. I have heard about the CAE certification that provides a high-level language qualification in English by the University of Cambridge and its agreement with CENEVAL and SEP. These two options are considered the top two decisions to make in my list of thing to do this weekend.

I see challenges everywhere. I also see language learning-teaching environments not only in schools or classrooms. Whenever someone asks for clarification when they are having communication problems allowing them to be able to create the appropriate emission-reception of individualized logical concepts; we can say that they have acquired the power of communication which is the aim that any language attains. And here we have the challenge of building rapport between learners and teachers. Learners can have the best teachers who are not necessary people who know everything about the language they are teaching but teachers who have the responsibility and ability to transmit what they have learnt and it can be useful for the corresponding level of language performance learners are completing.

My growing cannot be measured by myself because I am an arbitrary entity when it comes to auto evaluation. On the other hand, I can say that when I was younger I couldn’t communicate with other people and not even using my first language. Thus, I have not only picked up a different tool to express myself but I have also acquired the ability to communicate my ideas more freely and clearly using both languages, English and my mother tongue, Spanish. This whole idea of me loving languages is what has become an important momentum of this growing learning-teaching and sharing experience of my life. I believe that I will never be able to completely communicate appropriately and that is what creates my craving for reaching what is just about achievable. This TKT preparation course has been one giant leap through the steps of my way to the so called almighty goal.

Education is a continuous process. It is achieving new goals which are set by new generations and which were considered daydreams by our ancestors. Here’s a little excitement for people who like challenges: The goal is not to become the greatest but the least and be able to start the journey back home without any hesitation.

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