domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2010

The Top Ten New Years Resolutions most people share

Every year it seems that the same Top Ten New Year resolutions crop up. Why? It's obvious. Because they're just so hard to keep! I have trouble keeping my resolutions, but this time I'm determined to finally do better.

Success is not an accident, it begins with a well-conceived plan. You can and will achieve more in the next year than you have in the past ten with a disciplined plan of action. By investing your efforts into a New Years Resolution, you give yourself a launch pad for starting your new year and your new life.

This year I'm determined to try harder and I plan to succeed. The only two resolutions listed below that I was able to keep in 2009, were to organise myself and to get more exercise.At least I made a great improvement over my 2008 attempts. As for smoking, I hope that you have better luck than I do!

My list includes many of the items listed below, but this Lens is not about my New Years Resolutions, but the Top Ten Resolutions. Here's the list.

1. Stop smoking
2. Get Fit
3. Lose Weight
4. Enjoy Life More
5. Quit Drinking
6. Get Organised
7. Learn Something New
8. Get Out of Debt
9. Spend more time with the Family
10. Help Others

So, that's the Top Ten New Years Resolutions. Write them down and see how successful you are at keeping them. I hope that you have more success than I've had in my resolutions over the years. Happy New Year!


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