FOR (preposition) 1. with the object or purpose of: to run for exercise. 2. intended to belong to, or be used in connection with: equipment for the army; a closet for dishes. 3. suiting the purposes or needs of: medicine for the aged. 4. in order to obtain, gain, or acquire: a suit for alimony; to work for wages. 5. (used to express a wish, as of something to be experienced or obtained): O, for a cold drink! 6. sensitive or responsive to: an eye for beauty. 7. desirous of: a longing for something; a taste for fancy clothes. 8. in consideration or payment of; in return for: three for a dollar; to be thanked for one's efforts. 9. appropriate or adapted to: a subject for speculation; clothes for winter. 10. with regard or respect to: pressed for time; too warm for April. 11. during the continuance of: for a long time. 12. in favor of; on the side of: to be for honest government. 13. in place of; instead of: a substitute for butter. 14. in the interest of; on behalf of: to act for a client. 15. in exchange for; as an offset to: blow for blow; money for goods. 16. in punishment of: payment for the crime. 17. in honor of: to give a dinner for a person. 18. with the purpose of reaching: to start for London. 19. contributive to: for the advantage of everybody. 20. in order to save: to flee for one's life. 21. in order to become: to train recruits for soldiers. 22. in assignment or attribution to: an appointment for the afternoon; That's for you to decide. 23. such as to allow of or to require: too many for separate mention. 24. such as results in: his reason for going. 25. as affecting the interests or circumstances of: bad for one's health. 26. in proportion or with reference to: He is tall for his age. 27. in the character of; as being: to know a thing for a fact. 28. by reason of; because of: to shout for joy; a city famed for its beauty. 29. in spite of: He's a decent guy for all that. 30. to the extent or amount of: to walk for a mile. 31. (used to introduce a subject in an infinitive phrase): It's time for me to go. 32. (used to indicate the number of successes out of a specified number of attempts): The batter was 2 for 4 in the |
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sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2012
How to Use " FOR"?
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