This article was written by M.J.Mardanclos
A riddle is generally a question devised so as to require clever or unexpected thinking for its answer.
Here we have provide you the most common English Riddles with English alphabets and letters.
Hope to enjoy.
1. What letter of the alphabet is an insect?
Answer: B. (bee)
2. What letter is a part of the head?
Answer: I. (eye)
3. What letter is a drink?
Answer: T. (tea)
4. What letter is a body of water?
Answer: C. (sea)
5. What letter is a pronoun like “you”?
Answer: The letter ” I “
6. What letter is a vegetable?
Answer: P. (pea)
7. What letter is an exclamation?
Answer: O. (oh!)
8. What letter is a European bird?
Answer: J. (Jay)
9. What letter is looking for causes ?
Answer: Y. (why)
10. What four letters frighten a thief?
A : O.I.C.U. (Oh I see you!)
11. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not once in a thousand years?
Answer: The letter “m”.
12. Why is the letter “T” like an island ?
Answer: Because it is in the middle of waTer.
13. In what way can the letter “A” help a deaf lady?
Answer: It can make “her” “hear.
14. Which is the loudest vowel?
Answer: The letter “I”. It is always in the midst of noise
15. What way are the letter “A” and “noon” alike?
Answer: Both of them are in the middle of the “day”.
16. Why is “U” the happiest letter?
Answer: Because it is in the middle of “fun”.
17. What word of only three syllables contains 26 letters?
Answer: Alphabet = (26 letters)
18. What relatives are dependent on “you”?
Answer: Aunt, uncle, cousin. They all need “U”.
19. What is the end of everything?
Answer: The letter “g”.
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